Evolvement Of Tourism Industry With The Help Of Online Content Marketing Strategy

Evolvement Of Tourism Industry With The Help Of Online Content Marketing Strategy

Travel and Tourism industry is a well known industrial structure, this particular industry is not dealing with any manufactured products and the main product of this industry are the unique hospitality services and exotic holiday destinations. To encourage people towards your services, you have to execute some very innovative and interactive marketing plans; electronic commerce is facilitating numerous opportunities for these service based companies to expand the options of interface with customers. Electronic commerce is increasing the purchasing frequency and transaction benefits (Poon and Joseph, 2000). The globalizations of the services in the increasing needs of the travel industry are transforming the basic characteristics of the travel sectors and content marketing is playing a severe role in this sector.

The theoretical environment of this service:

Selling and attracting through the Internet is the most happening and new trend for the most of the service providers. Online shopping process is a very complex process, which is actually divided into numerous sub-processes like- searching for information, navigation, online transaction or customer interactions. Customers are evaluating the online services of the travel industry, through their special deals, offers, innovative holiday packages and of course genuine contents about the places and services. For the planning of the travel and for this you have to maintain properly informative and genuine contents. To increase the effectiveness and attractiveness of the travel websites, you have to concentrate on the design and implementation of the services. You have to win the loyalty of the customers.

Purchasing process of customers, through the online business is cultivated with the layout and design of the website. To get the orders for the online travel based firms, you have to give proper accessibility and hassle free online processes. The customer navigation process in the web is all about the searching processes for services and products (Hoffman and Novak, 1996). 

Services and convenience of the online travel based services:

Free services do not ensure that the user will use that, many times people consider that the services are fake and not reliable. The total reliability of the supplier is lying on the quality and trust of the given services. The role of the online websites is helping to facilitate the easily accessible information through contents and the enhancement of communication. The reliable and efficient information system is facilitating the customer satisfaction and also helping to build trust (Lone & McLean, 1992).

Companies those have very much stronger and perfect focus on the relationship building are using the interactive internet facilities to achieve greater interactivity and high level customer support and services. To make comparisons between different services and products is also possible in the online environment, this processes is helping to generate high level of customer density. It is suggested that by displaying pictorial images and interactive contents of the products or services, you can easily attract good amount of customers (Koivumaki, 2001).

Implications from the managerial end:   

For the most of the customers, online travel service interface is the new interface of services and the customers who have the easy accessibility of the Internet in their work place are becoming more familiar to the Internet. In this age, the rationale of the online users and the convenient users are increasing, but many users believe on the face to face interaction on a specific deal. The significance of content marketing is helping the online marketers to describe their views and ideas with the customers. From the managerial end the structure of content marketing is helping business personals and customers with numerous facilities. (Khare & Khare, 2010)


Poon, S. and Joseph, M. (2000) Product characteristics and Internet commerce benefit among small businesses.Journal of Product & Brand Management 9 (1): 21–34.

Hoffman, D.L. and Novak, T.P. (1996) Marketing in hypermedia computer-mediated environments: Conceptual foundations. The Journal of Marketing 60 (3): 50–68.

Koivumaki, T. (2001) Customer satisfaction and purchasing behavior in a web-based shopping environment.Electronic Markets 11 (3): 186–192. | Article

De Lone, W.H. and McLean, E.R. (1992) Information system success: The quest for the dependent variable.Information System Research 3 (1): 60–92. | Article

Khare A, Khare A (2010) Travel and tourism industry yet to eploit the Internet fully in India. Journal of Database Marketing & Customer strategy Management (2010) 17, 106-119.

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